Mystery of Missing Returns
Warm Greetings from PenguWIN: I wanted to share this message with you before you might observe and become anxious. A couple of our investors have noticed it and requested for clarification. It has no effect on the value of the fund but portrays the performance in poor light. The details might be slightly technical (no impact to you) which is the reason why I was holding this message but thought that this note be...
Anticipating Budget 2018-19
Warm Greetings from PenguWIN: In a few hours, Finance Minister Mr. Jaitley will be presenting the Union Budget for 2018-19. No, this is not a commentary on Budget or a wish list as Budget details are kept confidential. In this blog, I plan to highlight an important change with respect to Equity investing. The change might not be proposed by FM (like last year when it was expected but finally did not occur), significance...
Finance Lessons from Hindi Movies
Happy Republic Day Greetings from PenguWIN !!! Rather than Verbose text based articles, for a change, I have compiled this. The key content is picked from a magazine and if I had to come up with something similar, I would chose either Tamil or English 🙂 Financial Lessons from Hindi Movies < PenguWIN TITBIT # 104 – Finance Lessons from Hindi Movies >