Greetings from PenguWIN: I presume you are aware of the volatility and battering of stocks in the Indian Equity markets. Experts attribute this carnage to a variety of reasons including Rupee depreciation, continuous increase of Crude oil price, build-up of Non-Performing Assets (NPAs), Global trade war, bank frauds, rise in bond yields, high valuation of Small and Mid-Cap stocks, Mutual Funds Recategorization and introduction of long-term capital gains tax. Investors who started investing in Equity...
Carnage in Mid & SmallCap Stocks pulls down MF Returns
Greetings from PenguWIN: Over the past few weeks, I received questions from half a dozen investors on the performance of the Equity funds and wanted to know whether their portfolio needs to be rejigged. My answer is “please hold” as it’s a phenomenon across different categories of funds, pronounced in Small and MidCap funds. The Sensex and Nifty are at all-time high with returns of 2.57% and 4.87% over the past 6 months while...
Mystery of Missing Returns
Warm Greetings from PenguWIN: I wanted to share this message with you before you might observe and become anxious. A couple of our investors have noticed it and requested for clarification. It has no effect on the value of the fund but portrays the performance in poor light. The details might be slightly technical (no impact to you) which is the reason why I was holding this message but thought that this note be...