Personal Finance

PenguWIN Turns 5!

Greetings from PenguWIN: Today, we are completing 5 years of business and stepping into 6th year. It was on 4th July 2014 that we started this journey and we have made good progress so far; thanks to our clients, friends and well-wishers. Businesses like us thrive on references and the experience that we are able to offer to clients. I sincerely request you to provide your support on this. There are a couple of observations...
Mutual Funds

Have you accounted for Lifestyle Inflation?

On analysing the portfolios of large number of investors, I find that that once they start their Systematic Investments (SIPs, STPs) to build a corpus, with or without specific goals, there is a tendency to feel that their personal finance is in place. Specifically, when SIPs are started in equity funds, investors feel that it’s the universal panacea for all their financial needs. Let me explain it further with an anecdote. Vikram, aged 25, is...
Corporate DepositsFixed IncomeMutual Funds

Debate on Debt MFs

Greetings from PenguWIN In this blog, I would like to compare and contrast Debt Mutual Funds and other traditional Fixed Income products. In my earlier note on decoding the jargons, I had briefly explained about Debt MFs which you might want to refresh before reading further. Like a commercial break, I would like to deviate a minute and mention about 2 of our new partners (more than 3 months old now) that we have tied...