GeneralMutual Funds

Rendezvous with Anoop Bhaskar, Rockstar Fund Manager, at ITC Grand Chola, Chennai

Dear Friends,                      Advance Independence day wishes and God bless India! UTI Mutual Fund, the pioneers of Mutual Fund business in India celebrated their 50th year of service excellence on the 6th Aug 2014 and I had the opportunity to be present on the occasion, courtesy Shiva, AVP- Sales and Marketing. The occasion was also used to launch UTI’s Focussed Equity Fund Series, 1100 days closed end Fund with no Market Cap Bias, Style...
Mutual Funds

SIPs and STPs Demystified

Dear Friends,                        Id Mubarak! I presume you would have heard the Financial Jargon “Systematic Investment Plan” of SIP. SIP refers to investing a fixed sum of money on a periodic basis over a long duration. A Bank Recurring Deposit is in a way SIP. It inculcates a regular savings habit in us. But the power of SIPs can be appreciated only when you invest in Equity where there is a fluctuation and the value...
GeneralMutual Funds

Meeting with Mr. Prashant Jain, Globally acclaimed HDFC AMC Fund Manager

Dear Friends,                     Today, 15th July 2014, was a dream come true for me as I had the opportunity to meet Mr. Prashant Jain, one of the all-time best Mutual Fund Managers in India and currently the Executive Director and Chief Investment officer of HDFC Asset Management Company, at Park Sheraton, Chennai. Prashant is an IIT Engineer, IIM MBA, and a CFA and based out Mumbai, Mecca of Indian MF Industry. For people who are...