Category: Mutual Funds

Mutual Funds

PenguWINs Fund Selection

Most of our fund houses/managers have figured in the ET Wealth top wealth creaters. PPFSASCanara RobecoInvescoICICISBIBandhanNippon PGM and Tata are our recent additions. We have very less to Nil exposure to Motilal Oswal and Union AMC “While achieving an 80% overlap is extremely difficult and involves an element of luck, we meticulously assess fund houses and fund managers on a continuous basis for our curated list. This process includes shortlisting funds and taking exposure in...
GeneralMarketMutual FundsPersonal FinanceRetirement

My Learnings from Stock Market

Greetings from PenguWIN, I am sure every investor, especially those who have been investing for more than 3 years, would have their equity returns at all-time high. The compounded annual growth rate, CAGR, has risen to enviable levels, something which I haven’t seen in the past 18 years, since I have been investing. From a long term perspective we can expect this number to be 11-14% which is Inflation plus our GDP(India’s Gross Domestic Product...
Fixed IncomeMutual FundsPersonal Finance

Debt Mutual Funds Simplified

Greetings from PenguWIN, I wanted to pen a short and simple write-up on Debt funds. The objective is that the investors should have a basic understanding of what a debt fund is and how it works.  Debt funds are categorized based on the maturity profile of the instruments/securities/papers (used interchangeably) that they hold. In simple terms you can think of 60 days FD (Fixed Deposit), 91 days FD, 1-year FD and so on. If money is...