GeneralPersonal Finance

PenguWIN is 4 Years Old !

Greetings from PenguWIN:                                              Today, the 4th July 2018, we have successfully completed 4 years of operation and entering the 5th year. Customers are key to any business and I love this quote by Sam Walton of Wal-Mart; “There is only one boss – the customer. And he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else.”  With a small tweak, “Spending to Investing” it is very...
Mutual FundsPersonal Finance

Mystery of Missing Returns

Warm Greetings from PenguWIN:             I wanted to share this message with you before you might observe and become anxious. A couple of our investors have noticed it and requested for clarification. It has no effect on the value of the fund but portrays the performance in poor light. The details might be slightly technical (no impact to you) which is the reason why I was holding this message but thought that this note be...
GeneralMutual FundsReal EstateStocks

Is your Investment in Real Estate and Gold Safe?

Warm Greetings from PenguWIN:             The crux of this article is about the volatility in asset classes, physical and financial with specific reference to Real Estate, Gold and Equity investing, more specifically Equity MFs Investors who started investing in equity funds since 2017 and seen the value go up and up, will probably be a little impatient, experiencing the 2000+ points correction in Sensex in the recent past and the associated high level of volatility....